Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blessed Are the Weird People – - Poets, Misfits, Writers, Mystics, Painters, Troubadours – - For They Teach Us to See The World Through Different Eyes.

Can't sleep.... May as well blog!

The title to this blog post couldn't ring more true, for society has mainly become mindless dronism.  Anyway...

Still waiting on the people on that lovely writing website to review my work and take the damn hold off of my account, and although I've found a couple of other things to at least semi occupy my time, they don't compensate near as well.  If nothing else, the last year has taught me great patience, and I don't just mean work.

Tell me the little hat doesn't make your life


Well, let's just say in the last year, I've had to do a lot of waiting.  Oh that's right... You've only half been filled in on my backstory.  Remember how I said I met John in a bar about a year ago?  Well I was actually with someone else when it happened, and although I within the first five minutes of talking to him that he was the man I wanted to marry, there were a few things standing in my way of being with him for the rest of my life.  For instance, I owned a house with the moron I was with.  

 Baha, if you Google Image "young and dumb". this is what pops up

Along with a few other complications that the entire world doesn't need to be made aware of.  Anyway, it taught me patience, along with still being unemployed, and other stresses.


So as I wait for the lovely editors to rate my work and take the hold off my account, I'll be continuing to look for online work.  If there's anything I can do for you, please, let me know.

Speaking of continuing to look, I should probably be doing that now as blogging pays me less than nothing.  Spring is coming, folks.  Hope you're enjoying the snownado free weather! 


“Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” – Unknown



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